Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sending my Followers a personal message

Hey Followers,

I always want to post you a personal thank you as one of my Followers. When I try to post to you, my computer crashes. This is the reason you don't get a personal thank you, from me.  You can all ways comment on one of my post. Would love to hear from you.

Steve Baker - Visual Possibilities Utah

P.S. Thank You!!!!!!


  1. Hi, Steve!

    I like your web log. I hope your company does well. I have a friend and fellow Church Army captain in Albuquerque, and am interested in hiking the Sandia Mountains with him sometime next year. Maybe you could join us!

    Br'er Rabbit,

  2. Hey Robin,

    Glad you are enjoying my blog. Will take some time to build Visual Possibilities Utah.

    Love NM, not sure where the Sandia Mountains are but sure its a beautiful place. Keep me informed on this.

